Google Spooky Updates, Search Console Domain Property, Lazy Loading SEO & Google Ad Placements

Google PageSpeed Insights Report Revamped With Lighthouse Data

Google seems to have just rolled out a redesign for their Google PageSpeed Insights tool. The new design shows a lot more graphical reporting, the speed score uses lab data analyzed by Lighthouse and Google is showing a lot more detail.

In addition, scores that I had at over 90, some are down to 50 or so. So things have changed with this report.

The release notes say “v5 of the PageSpeed Insights API was released in November 2018. It now uses Lighthouse as its analysis engine and also incorporates field data provided by the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX). v5 of the API will now provide CrUX data and all of the Lighthouse audits. Previous versions of the PSI API will be deprecated in six months.”

Here is a screen shot of the report now:

Here is what it looked like in in June:

So there are a lot of changes here with the PageSpeed Insights report – I do not yet see an announcement from Google on this.

How to Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

An important first step in any local SEO strategy is to claim and verify your local business’ Google My Business (GMB) listing. Getting on Google My Business can increase your chances of showing up in Google’s Local Pack, Local Finder, Google Maps, and organic rankings in general. Qualifying local businesses can claim this free listing on Google and include basic information about their company, like their address, phone number, business hours and types of payments accepted.

If you haven’t claimed and verified your Google My Business Listing yet, that’s the first step. To get started, visit

Many local businesses just claim their GMB listing and forget about it. What most businesses don’t realize is that there are a variety of other features you can use to optimize your Google My Business listing and several reasons why you should frequently check your business listing to ensure that it’s accuracy stays intact. Want to know more?

Complete all the information Google asks for

There are a variety of questions you can answer to complete your Google My Business profile. When done, your listing will have valuable data that will make it easier for potential customers to find your company. And if you don’t fill that information in, someone else could. Many business owners don’t realize that anyone can suggest a change to your business listing — and that includes competitors.

When a searcher clicks on your GMB listing they can see a “Suggest an edit” option:

When someone clicks on that option they can literally edit your Google My Business listing (and make some pretty dramatic changes, too):

This is just one reason why it’s very important that you login to your Google My Business dashboard regularly to ensure that no one has attempted to make any unwanted changes to your listing. You’ll see a notification that changes are pending if someone has made suggested changes that need your approval.

Also, it’s important to realize that Google encourages people who are familiar with your business to answer questions, so Google can learn more information about your company. To do this they can simply click on the “Know this place? Answer quick questions” link.

They’ll then be prompted to answer some questions about your business:

If they know the answer to the questions, they can answer. If not, they can decline.

Now, some business owners have cried foul, saying that competitors or others with malicious intent can wreak havoc on their Google My Business listings with this feature. However, Google’s philosophy is that this type of “user-generated content” helps to build a community, more fully completes a business’ profile, and allows Google to experiment with different search strategies.

After you get your Google My Business listing verified, continue to check your listing regularly to be on the safe side.

Google My Business Posts

Google Posts are “mini-ads” that show up in Google search in your Google My Business listing (in the Knowledge Panel and on Google Maps.)

You can have fun with your Posts by adding an image, a Call to Action (CTA), and even including a link to another page or website. If you’re using Yext, you can create GMB Posts directly from your Yext dashboard.

Here are just a few Post ideas:

  • If you’re having an event (like a webinar) you can set up an event Post with a date and time and then add a link to the registration page.
  • Do you have a sale going on during a specific time? Create a “sale” event Post.
  • Does your latest blog post rock? Add a short description of your blog post and link to the post on your blog.
  • New product you want to feature? Show a picture of this cool gadget and link to where people can make the purchase.
  • Want to spread holiday joy? Give potential customers a holiday message Post.

The possibilities with Posts are endless! Posts stay “live” for seven days or “go dark” after the date of the event. Google is great about sending you reminders when it’s time to create a new Post.

TIP: To grab a searcher’s attention, you want to include an image in your Post, but on Google Maps the Post image can get cut off. You might have to test a few Post image sizes to make sure it’s sized appropriately for Maps and the Knowledge Panel on desktop and mobile devices.

To get started with Posts, login to your GMB dashboard and you’ll see the Posts option on the left-hand side:

Do Google My Business Posts help with search rankings? Joy Hawkins and Steady Demand tested whether Posts had an impact on rankings, and they found that making Google My Business Posts can improve rankings.

To continue reading:


Websolutionsmart Reviews – To go through and find the best website hosting service provider

Tired of searching the best and effective web solutions for your website? Well, if you are then you have the best internet marketing and development services which are designed and built as per the requirements of the customer which are proving to be helpful and increases the growth of every online business in a spectacular way. There is a wide range of services at the right place which according to the requirements of clients are presented to top in the World Wide Web. Whether you prefer solutions for business organizations or for solitary businessman, websolutionsmart reviews help you to develop and achieve profits online. is the leading web solutions company which fulfills the needs and requirements of the companies related to online web designing, SEO, CMS and other branding solutions to attract 100% customers to your website. If you are looking for quality and the latest e-commerce web solutions then choose our services with Websolutionsmart reviews which are the latest in the world of e-commerce and helps to run your business smoothly and profitable.

At Web Solutions Mart, the requirements of the clients are on the main priority to deliver expert and outstanding services which assures the customers to focus on the business and the web design project which places their website to the peak position in SEO ranking. As all the websites are designed with the use of latest and powerful tools, it is the need to apply certain changes and advanced services to your website at the right time which is the main period to have profits and sales in business.

Mainly, our expert professionals prosper on challenge and are passionate about innovation and creative concepts and ideas which let the customer makes an honest decision to get services. At present, search engines are the great way to get the best and honest web hosting services in affordable range which are always presented to keep up the expectations of the client to return back for innovated and improved web hosting and web design services.

Our wealth of web designing and effective web solutions are one thing which leads every website to look great and be unique from all the competitors who are in search of high quality IT solutions and software development which helps to improve in a short time in every possible way. In addition to this, we are confident of the delivering vast services which help your business to grow with high end and visual web solutions which are always useful to have a high end base of customers and visitors to the website.

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Choosing the right online marketing company is very important for your business

Internet online marketing is a method of promotion which is based on the internet as the name itself suggests. The idea of using ads and the internet is a fabulous way to make sure that your product gets all the popularity that it needs. A large number of people off over the world have become dependent on the internet for all their necessities thus this approach of promoting products has surely been an effective online marketing strategy amongst the people. Through this it is ensured that the business venture has a growth in terms of profit as well as acquiring a name in the market. Several Multi National Companies are using this method to increase the popularity of their products and have better business returns in terms of profit. Online marketing in India has become in demand with the people off late.
A few years back people only knew ads through pamphlets or banners and they were not even aware of the concept of having ads on the internet. This new research has definitely changed the criteria of business marketing. Companies are hiring skilled professionals who have been trained to produce ads for promotion of products. A major reason for most firms and MNC’S to use this approach is because of the astounding results it has shown in the past few years.
Promoting your products:
Promoting a product can be done in several ways. Knowing the fundamental is what is most important. There are some essential that one must know before opting for online marketing. They are mentioned below.
Get to know the people, learn about their needs and requirements. You have all the resources but it eventually comes down to the common man who is going to be buying your products. Thus make sure you conduct a research at their level so that you are fully aware of their needs. This will help them to know what your company is offering and why they should be linked with you.
Have a plan. Be sure of your goals. Be well prepared beforehand so that you can attract the maximum number of clients and customers. You should have all the knowledge that you possibly can about the product that you are advertising.
Choose the right marketing firm:
Choosing the right online marketing company is very important as they are the masters of the world of the web. They will understand your needs and requirements in one go. They will be able to give you the best tips for improving traffic on your websites thus ensuring that you gain profits. A good marketing company will make use of all the information of your company to maximize the potential of your website so that your revenue increases.
There are many internet marketing companies to choose from but what you need is the best internet marketing company in India, because having the best online marketing company India, can help your business reach never before heights. The Best Internet Marketing Company ensures that you achieve profits. Hence choose only the Best Online marketing company India to see fabulous results.